Love the Game
But make it so you have to reload after each shot in the challenges, its too easy to shoot the targets with the ability to fire it like a machine gun
Love the Game
But make it so you have to reload after each shot in the challenges, its too easy to shoot the targets with the ability to fire it like a machine gun
small text..
if you are devoted enough to find out what it says right click the movie, zoom in
Hank FTW
Love the game. :)
Btw... wtf is with this person below me?
He probably couldnt even beat the first levels
Love the game but was annoyed when i bought that automatic thing because i couldnt use my pistol anymore >:(
problem is the blocks are random, which is fine except it means luck gets highscores not skill :P
Loving it
O.K so if you want to make this game own all first things first. Upgrades.
If you can find some way to add power ups & such it will be a good game.
secondly try using the brush tool (with a small brush size) to make drawings, because brush drawings always look really good
funny but repetative and pointless
upgrade the idea of the game or the graphics if you want it to survive past harsh reviewers
Awesome stuff
awesome graphics
awesome gore
awesome keycard weapons
tips for dude below me, when ure dieing TAKE COVER you heal yourself :P
Its either bad, or really good.
Honestly the programming is a little less han impressive, you can only punch in one direction, and while you are on the ground.
You can only jump straight up and if you move you immediatly are on the ground again.
If you downloaded/copied those sprites then you dont really have anything going for your game.
however if you did draw those sprites yourself you should probably look into creating a movie instead of an interactive game
(P.S if you did make those sprites consider this review a 7 star)
Agrees with the person below me
Two suggestions
1: Brush tool with a small brush size (you can make great drawings with them)
2: Use shape tweens in addition to motion tweens.
Thanks for the suggestions.
bring back vine
Age 30
Joined on 2/7/07